XNUMX 월과 XNUMX 월 상반기에 항공화물 요금이 더 빠르게 상승

XNUMX 월과 XNUMX 월 상반기에 항공화물 요금이 더 빠르게 상승
XNUMX 월과 XNUMX 월 상반기에 항공화물 요금이 더 빠르게 상승
Written by 해리 존슨

Nearing the end of 2020, the world looks back at a year like no other in most people’s memories. Air cargo was no exception: the usual trends, established over many years, were no guidance at all for what actually happened. Volatility, both in volumes and in rates, has been the order of the day in…

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이 기사에서 배울 점:

  • Nearing the end of 2020, the world looks back at a year like no other in most people's memories.
  • Volatility, both in volumes and in rates, has been the order of the day in….
  • the usual trends, established over many years, were no guidance at all for what actually happened.



해리 존슨

Harry Johnson은 eTurboNews 20년 이상 동안. 그는 하와이 호놀룰루에 살고 있으며 원래 유럽 출신입니다. 그는 뉴스를 쓰고 취재하는 것을 즐깁니다.

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