9.9% CAGR, 사이버 보안 시장은 478.75년까지 2030억 XNUMX만 달러 규모에 도달할 것으로 예상

The cyber security market was worth at USD 197.8 billion in 2020. It is expected to grow at a 9.9% CAGR between 2021 and 2030 to reach USD 478.75 billion by 2030. The growing adoption of e-commerce platforms and the emergence of disruptive technology like IoT, and AI are driving the growth in the cyber…

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이 기사에서 배울 점:

  • It is expected to grow at a 9.
  • The growing adoption of e-commerce platforms and the emergence of disruptive technology like IoT, and AI are driving the growth in the cyber….
  • eTurboNews 기사는 구독자 전용입니다.



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