위스키의 모든 것

위스키 스토리 1
위스키 스토리 1

The world of whiskey extends well beyond smelling, sipping and tasting. To learn about the brown liquid in your glass you should speak with Lew Bryson, one of the world’s leading authorities on whiskey. If you don’t have the time to take a whiskey course with Bryson, you can buy his book, “Tasting Whiskey. An…

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이 기사에서 배울 점:

  • To learn about the brown liquid in your glass you should speak with Lew Bryson, one of the world's leading authorities on whiskey.
  • If you don't have the time to take a whiskey course with Bryson, you can buy his book, “Tasting Whiskey.
  • 구독은 무료입니다.



Elinor Garely 박사-eTN 특집 및 wines.travel 편집장

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